O'Brien County Attorney Bruce Green Confirms OCTA's Charge Against County Attorney Hansen

News Release – Osceola County Taxpayers Association
June 10, 2008

O’Brien County Attorney Bruce Green met with the Osceola County Board of Supervisors today, in an effort to negotiate a costly new 28E Agreement for services provided to O’Brien County by the Osceola County Attorney Robert Hansen. During the course of the discussions in Sibley this morning, Green made this admission –

“I am speaking for myself here, [regarding Bob Hansen] but for a county of only 7,000 he doesn’t have enough work to do. O’Brien County needed him and he had an opportunity to make more money.”

Hansen objected and said that is not the case. But Green insisted, “Bob Hansen may not agree with me but he does not have enough work to do in Osceola County.”

From the results of our previous survey of eleven Iowa county attorneys (found at www.OsceolaTaxpayers.org ) and from the O’Brien County Attorney’s admissions this morning, it is clear to the Osceola County Taxpayers Association that the only two left standing who believe Hansen deserves the Full-Time $66,000 annual salary for 2 days a week of work, is the man receiving the cash Bob Hansen and Spirit Lake resident Dan DeKoter. Keep in mind the average salary for County Attorneys in Iowa counties our size is under $40,000.

Yet Hansen insisted he will not take an Osceola County pay cut even with his proposed deal in O’Brien County. He also indicated during the meeting this morning that the stress of the job has increased since publicly being called a thief. The OCTA suggests his stress could be reduced by receiving a just pay for the small amount of work, which now even Bruce Green admits, he does for our county.

The OCTA is not confident that either newspaper in the county will report Green’s statements, so we found it necessary to bring this information directly to you.

For More Information: 754-2445