Record Profits For American Lawyers

If Lawyer Profits Per Partner Are at Record Levels Among The Large Firms, One Can Only Imagine What They Are Doing For Firms That Have Much Lower Operating Costs!

April 30 – Bloomberg (Cynthia Cotts): “Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom and Latham & Watkins set records for law firms with gross revenue of more than $2 billion each in 2007, according to the American Lawyer, a trade magazine. The 100 highest-grossing U.S. law firms generated revenue of $64.5 billion in 2007, almost 14% more than the previous year… It was the fifth consecutive year of better-than-average growth in both revenue per lawyer and profits per partner…”

We all need a lawyer on occasion. But what small businessmen, farmers and blue collar folks don't need are lawyers getting into every part of our life: product liability, boundless lawsuits, regulation compliance, contract negotiation, creditor negotiation, on and on it goes. Who is profiting from the "lawyering" of our economy? Less and less it is the middle-class taxpayers and more it is those presiding over an increasingly unjust judicial system. And the profits - they are record breaking!

We need lawyers who've read the Constitution, are willing to advance its cause and fight to protect Osceola County residents from an ever encroaching civil and economic tyranny.