OCTA President Asks Supervisors to Reclassify County Attorney Job And Inquire of Former County Attorney Harold Dawson
March 13, 2007, OCTA President Kevin Wolfswinkel presented a statement to the Osceola County Board of Supervisors, regarding the recent survey of eleven Iowa county attorneys completed by OCTA. Please see his statement and survey results here.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007, a follow up letter was entered into the minutes of the Osceola County Board of Supervisors calling upon the Supervisors to reclassify the County Attorney's job from a Full-time position to a Part-time one. OCTA officially presented this letter during the April 24, 2007, meeting. OCTA's president Kevin Wolfswinkel also asked the supervisors to launch a formal inquiry into assurances made by former county attorney Harold Dawson that the job of county attorney is a full time job. OCTA thinks such an inquiry needs to be done in light of the compelling evidence that even yet today this job is not a full-time position.
This letter can be read here.
Meanwhile, the County Supervisors made themselves quite clear on this matter in January of 2006. See this quote from the minutes below.
January 3, 2006:
On the agenda was discussion of the six month review for Bob Hansen, Osceola County Attorney, serving as assistant county attorney in O'Brien County. Hansen was not available to visit with the board being he was in O'Brien County for court. The board does not approve of Hansen serving as assistant county attorney in O'Brien County due to the fact the public elects the county attorney as full time in Osceola County and Hansen should be available to his constituents and county officials during regular business hours. It was moved by Beltman, seconded by Strenge, motion unanimously carried to not approve Hansen serving in the capacity of O'Brien County assistant attorney.